Yoga is a type of exercise for strengthening, stretching and toning the muscles, making it a good choice for pregnant women.
Of special benefit is its role in stress relief, as yoga is said to bring the body and mind together through a variety of stretches, breathing exercises and postures.
Yoga may help to relieve some of the stress pregnancy places on women, who have to adapt to many physical, emotional, hormonal and social changes.
Some of the other benefits of yoga during pregnancy include:
In research published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine the benefits of yoga during pregnancy were examined.
The study divided over 300 women into a daily yoga group, and a daily walking group. The yoga group participated in a 60 minute prenatal class, while the walkers walked 30 minutes twice a day.
The yoga group experienced significantly fewer premature babies and small-for-age babies compared to the walking group. The researchers also reported there were no women who reported adverse events related to yoga therapy during the trial.
It appears that the right type of yoga is a gentle and safe way for women to stay active during pregnancy. In fact, it may actually promote better health for both the mother and unborn child.
Women are often advised to "listen to their bodies" during pregnancy, but this generic advice can be confusing at best. Below are some specific things to include, and things to avoid when performing yoga during pregnancy.
Yoga do's during pregnancy
Yoga don'ts during pregnancy
Side bends (also known as the gates pose) are a suitable yoga posture through all stages of pregnancy. The steps below can guide you through this gentle movement.
1. Using an exercise mat, adopt a kneeling position
2. Extend your left leg out to the side
3. Extend both arms out to the side with your palms facing down.
4. Bending from the side, reach your left arm towards your left thigh
5. Reach your right arm upwards and to the left, holding for 1 minute
6. Breath slowly and evenly throughout, and repeat on the right side