What is float therapy?
REST is short for “restricted environmental stimulation therapy.” In this therapy, you get to float in a water filled sensory deprivation tank, meditating, floating in dark silence, removed from external stimuli. You lie in a float pod filled with 10 inches of water and highly concentrated magnesium sulfate. The density of the water means that you float effortlessly, remaining buoyant. You don’t need to worry about sinking underwater.
Bathing in the epsom salt in itself has multiple benefits due to its magnesium rich minerals. Benefits include finding it easier to fall asleep and supporting skin health due to the naturally antimicrobial magnesium found in epsom salt. Epsom salts can also support muscle health.
Float therapy also channels the power of water, which has a soothing effect on our body, combining it with deeply relaxing properties of magnesium saturated water.
The temperature of the water and chamber is set to match your skin temperature, too, allowing you to better mesh with your surroundings.
The feeling of weightlessness that comes with floating helps you to disconnect from the outside world. The sessions usually last for 60 or 90 minutes.
Float therapy can help support your body's stress response and reduce symptoms of stress as physical discomfort. It may supplement other treatments.
Mental benefits of float therapy
Float therapy gives you the opportunity to take a break and mentally reset. Wrapped in a cocoon of warmth with little sensory stimulation puts you in an ideal and a meditative state of deep mental and physical peace.
Many studies have shown the following mental health benefits of floatation therapy.
Supports healthy sleep
Helps support body's stress response
Decrease in production of cortisol, a stress hormone, and adrenaline
Revitalizes the body and mind
Helping the body heal and recover after exercise
Promotes calmness and relaxation
Supports healthy mood
Increase in production of endorphins that are associated with a reduction in discomfort and support a healthy mood and stress response.
Physical benefits of float therapy
Muscle support
There’s a growing body of research that demonstrates the potential for floatation therapy to reduce symptoms of physical discomfort. As an example of the mind body connection, studies show that sessions in a sensory deprivation tank can reduce the perceived intensity of muscular aches. Researchers attributed this to the reduction in stress which allows for relaxation that soothed tense muscles.Floating appears to take us out of “flight or fight” and moves us into “rest and recover.” That “fight or flight” stress response is a primary trigger for physical discomfort. As discomfort can interfere with sleep, healthy sleep is also a benefit of flotation therapy.
Muscle tension and stress-related physical symptoms
Studies of floatation therapy have found simultaneous relief from physical discomfort, symptoms of stress and difficulty falling asleep. The three are inextricably linked.
Some studies suggest there are creativity benefits and that this comes from the combined reduction in stress with an increase in energy the floating provides.
Studies on floatation therapy so far are small and additional research will be helpful to find out how long the benefits last after a single float session, and whether these effects persist or change after multiple float sessions.
Sensory deprivation tanks also aren’t recommended if you:
- Open wounds or skin conditions
- An infectious disease
- A seizure disorder
- Claustrophobia
- Had diarrhoea in the past 14 days
- Are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Have recently dyed your hair or applied tanning products
- Have infectious diseases
- Have recently got a tattoo
If you are thinking of trying floatation therapy, it is always advisable to seek advice from your doctor first, particularly if you take medication or have any medical conditions.
Tips for the ideal floatation experience
- A shower beforehand is recommended
- It is recommended for the best experience to go into the pod without any clothes to ensure there are no external pressures or restrictions on your body
- Avoid caffeine or other stimulants leading up the session
- Don’t shave anywhere on your face or body before your session as you may experiencing stinging from the epsom salt
- Stay well hydrated before the session, but don't drink too much right beforehand
- You can try different positions to find one that is most comfortable. Possible positions include arms above head, pointed up at your side, or down by your body
- Ideally, consume a light meal 60 to 90 minutes before your session, so you’re not floating with a full or empty stomach
- Relax, take deep breaths and focus on these. There is no 'right' way to float, so just let go and enjoy the relaxation