Is weight loss different for men 1260x542
31 Mar 2010

Is weight loss different for men?

1 mins to read
In my experience as a personal trainer and Gutbusters instructor, weight management for men is very different to weight management for women. For example, if I am training a couple, the male will often lose weight a little quicker than his partner, even when they are following the same program.

In my experience as a personal trainer and Gutbusters instructor, weight management for men is very different to weight management for women. For example, if I am training a couple, the male will often lose weight a little quicker than his partner, even when they are following the same program.

While male body fat isn’t quite so stubborn, weight loss is potentially more important for men because of where it’s stored. The apple shape common in men is thought to be associated with a higher risk of lifestyle related illness compared to the pear shape, which is more common in women.

According to the Australian Governments measure up program (, any man with a waist measurement (around the belly button) above 94 centimeteres is at an increased risk of chronic disease.

The dietary issues surround weight loss can also vary greatly between the sexes. Where women tend to have a stronger emotional connection to food, I find men are more likely to have issues with portion size, snacking and beer. In some cases, men can also be less informed about diet, as they don’t tend to discuss it with their doctor or friends.

While there may be exceptions, you will also be more likely to find women who think they’re overweight when they’re not, and men who think they’re healthy when they’re actually overweight. The challenge for men is to realise that they're overweight, and then accept that it’s O.K to do something about it.

What is your waist measurement? Do you think men find it easier to lose weight compared to women? What do you think are the main differences between men and women when it comes to weight control?

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