A mums take on mothers day
9 May 2012

A mum’s take on Mother’s Day

1 mins to read
For anyone out there hiding under a very large rock, next Sunday, May 13, is Mother’s Day. For me, after the blur that was last Mother’s Day – thanks to a restless twelve week old and an energetic toddler, this year is an opportunity to be a bit more reflective.

For anyone out there hiding under a very large rock, on Sunday, May 13, is Mother’s Day. For me, after the blur that was last Mother’s Day – thanks to a restless twelve week old and an energetic toddler, this year is an opportunity to be a bit more reflective. Which got me thinking; what does it all mean? In short, to me, Mother’s Day is an occasion to celebrate being a mum - the good, the bad and the hilarious (and there is definitely no shortage of the latter in my family!).

After a swim in the ocean with my partner and kids and while sipping on a large, take-away cappuccino, I’ll no doubt be thinking about what I’ve achieved over the past four years and how my children have changed me – mostly for the better.

Until I became a mum I really didn’t appreciate how challenging this mothering gig is, nor did I realise how amazing and humbling it can be either. But because of this, and the loss of my own mum before the birth of my first child, the day will be forever tinged with sadness. Despite the heartache of loosing my mother, it will mostly be a happy occasion as I count myself as one of the lucky ones. My journey to motherhood wasn’t easy. But now I’ve come out on the other side I can (finally) say it’s worth all the effort. 

So taking time out on Mother’s Day to enjoy the greatest feat of my life– my family, may sound corny but it’s what makes this mumma truly happy.

Mother’s Day means different things to different people, what does it mean to you and your family?

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