Naturopath Danielle Steedman suggests checking in with yourself to see how things are feeling. "For some women, the sheer mention of exercise during their menstrual cycle is horrific, while others wouldn’t dream of giving it up.
"Some women find that they suffer from heavy bleeding and pain, which can be a barrier to feeling motivated and eager to exercise. Often, for these women, exercise can increase bleeding and create a heavy dragging sensation in the pelvic area which can also make exercise uncomfortable. Avoiding exercise for the first couple of days is what some women find is best, whereas for others, a gentle walk or aerobic activity can get you moving without the intensity of high-impact gym classes."
Steedman’s top tip for women exercising during their periods is to focus on feeling comfortable. "Have some baggy pants around if that helps, or layer up if you are concerned about leaks: leggings or bike pants under loose shorts can be a winner in these situations."
Steedman also suggests resistance exercise (such as weights), as you can decrease the amount of weights if needed. Yoga can also be a good alternative to very strenuous exercise. "Yoga is still a good workout, but you can take it at your own pace during your period. Yoga can also be a good way to feel more connected with yourself."