A good friend of mine recently shared her painful pre-menstrual breast frustration with me. Not surprisingly this included pain, swelling and discomfort (the usual suspects). So, as a good naturopath I offered her food, supplement and lifestyle advice.
But then I asked her when the last time she had a proper bra fitting was? This was met tha grimace; a shake of the head, and downwards glance to her bosom. Not only had she not ever been fitted, but she had no confidence in sports because as we later discovered, she didn’t have the appropriate support.
The right fit can help minimise discomfort, and breast tenderness when suffering from pre-menstrual breast pain. Here are some tips for the right fitting bra:
In the world of bras there are different shapes to choose from. For women who suffer from PMS, I would suggest getting fitted during this time of the month, especially if your breasts tend to get bigger. Some women will experience a marked difference in size, so having at least a couple of ‘full cup bras’ for that time of the month would be ideal. The full cup bra will fit your whole breast in the bra, unlike the lower cut balconnette bra, or the v-plunging triangular bras. The full cup bra is great when wearing tighter shirts where you want a seamless, smooth look, as well as providing excellent support. Essential for fuller cupped women, and a must in a sports bra.
Ok ladies, I hope this gives you some insight into the world of breast support, and how important it can be for comfort? Needless to say my friend has been fitted properly and along with her vitex, and b vitamins, is feeling a lot more able to bear her pre-menstrual breasts.
Does anyone have any tips or personal stories about this?