building relationships
31 Mar 2010

How important are your relationships?

2 mins to read
By Michelle Guillemard. After spending a fun-filled weekend with some of my favourite girlfriends, I have been pondering the importance of female friendships and the positive impact they have on our health. For us women, there's nothing that quite compares with afternoon of lounging around with our best friends and catching up on each other's lives, reminiscing about high school and uni days and laughing at our embarrassing moments together.

By Michelle Guillemard. After spending a fun-filled weekend with some of my favourite girlfriends, I have been pondering the importance of female friendships and the positive impact they have on our health. For us women, there's nothing that quite compares with afternoon of lounging around with our best friends and catching up on each other's lives, reminiscing about high school and uni days and laughing at our embarrassing moments together.

Women's health community writer and naturopath Siobhan Jordan has been researching the health benefits of female friendships too, and she says that despite being motivated to focus on time with her girlfriends and sisters, a key challenge is finding and prioritising the time, in what so many of us feel is a busy and sometimes overwhelming life.

I have to say I agree. Even in the internet era, where connecting with someone is as easy as clicking a mouse or touching an icon, I still manage to go days and sometimes weeks without speaking to my closest girlfriends. When I do catch up with them, however, I always go away feel rejuvenated and refreshed, like I'm ready to conquer anything! However, like many women out there, I am guilty of leaving it far too long between coffees.

Siobhan says, "It also strikes me that we as females, who are often so hard on ourselves, need to not view this as yet another thing to achieve (e.g. I need to be a great mother, daughter, partner, friend, worker etc and exercise, eat well, meditate and floss my teeth… and the list goes on)."

Do you agree? How to you see your relationships with your girlfriends, and how do you make these relationships work in your busy lives?

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