Libido lifters for women 1260x542
31 Mar 2010

Libido lifters for women

2 mins to read
If you and your libido have become estranged, naturopath Siobhan Jordan has some solutions for a happy reunion.

Has sex become yet another thing on your to do list to tick off? Are you too tired for sex?

If it seems more like a chore than a source of pleasure and connection, then read on.

It's well known among women, as well as experts, that stress and tiredness are big dampeners of our sex drives. No surprise then that if your day looks something along the lines of a start that involved organising kids for school, followed by eight manic hours in the office, another manic hour in the traffic, coming home to housework and so on, your bed will be for one thing only – sleep! The bottom line is that if we want a change in this area of our lives we need to get some support to help manage stress and its symptoms, such as fatigue.

Herbal helpers

When under stress, the adrenal glands and nervous system work hard to maintain balance. Give them, and yourself, some help with herbs that work to support the function of the nervous system and/or adrenal glands. Herbs to consider include withania, Siberian ginseng, oats, rhodiola and passionflower. You may find that they help you to manage stress better and also give your energy levels a lift.

Nutrient nourishment

The adrenal glands and nervous system need certain vitamins and minerals to function effectively, including magnesium and vitamins C, B5 and B6. Also, if the levels of nutrients such as iron are low, you may experience symptoms such as fatigue. Keep your focus on a healthy, balanced diet and consider a nutritional supplement such as a multivitamin and mineral. If you're concerned about your nutrient status, have an assessment with your health care professional.

Oh my, relax!

Although they challenge us by requiring more of our time, lifestyle factors such as relaxation are essential to a healthy sex life. Why? Well, if you're not relaxed it's difficult to enjoy sex. Also, relaxation techniques are powerful stress busters and a great way to restore and maintain your energy levels.

Try and dedicate at least 15 minutes every day to yourself for time out to yourself. Close your eyes and be still, meditate, do some yoga breathing, whatever works for you. Think of it as a mini holiday: a mental trip to the Bahamas.

Relationship rescue

If you've ever experienced relationship tension around sexual issues, you'll know only too well that sex is an important part of a happy relationship. If this is not enough to encourage you to get some support for your dwindling libido, perhaps sex as an anti-ageing strategy might get you there?

It is well accepted in ancient Taoist philosophy that a healthy sex life improves longevity. Dr Mehmet Oz, resident health expert on the Oprah show recently revived interest in the longevity and sex link when he declared that increasing the amount of monogamous, loving sex that you have can actually add three years to your life span

Pick-ups for a healthy libido

  • Herbal stress ease – withania, rhodiola, oats, passionflower and Siberian ginseng
  • Nutrient defence against stress and fatigue – vitamin C, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, magnesium and iron
  • Libido tonics – damiana, shatavari and tribulus
  • Daily relaxation time

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