Harnessing your energy the herbal way
When we lead such busy lifestyles, it can be hard to maintain tabs on all areas of our health. It can be easy for our sleep, diet, or exercise habits to slip, which can have an effect on our energy levels. Caffeine is a popular way to help us get through the day when we are feeling tired. However, caffeine can elevate the production of the stress hormone, cortisol, it can be addictive, and cause restlessness and dehydration.
We could do with some help instead from remedies such as herbs, some of which have been used traditionally for centuries to support health. Otherwise known as adaptogens, they may help to increase the body’s tolerance to stress ability to adapt to stress, whether this may be from environmental, mental work, societal or physical factors. Adaptogens may help to recover from stress that may be throwing you off balance. These herbs aim to help restore balance in strength, as stress can drain energy levels.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, adaptogens work by increasing or decreasing chemical reactions within your body. For example, an adaptogen can respond to stress and elevated cortisol, by reducing cortisol levelscan support the body to adapt to stress by helping to balance cortisol levels. On the other hand, for chronic fatigue with low cortisol levels, adaptogens will help to increase cortisol levels in the body.
You may see herbs in the form of tea, powder, tablet, or liquid extracts.
Here are some herbs that may aid in coping withadapting to stress and help withprovide some extra energy levels to handle the daily grind. However, always seek advice from a GP before starting to consume herbs as they may interact with some medicines you may take or they may not be suitable for your health condition. You should always check with a health practitioner as to whether they can be mixed with alcohol or caffeine. Be aware that many of the herbs may also have side effects. You can check the label for these and discuss them with a GP.
Some herbs to boost your energy levels
Ashwagandha is a herb found in parts of India, Africa, and the Middle East. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine in India for thousands of years and has been studied to show that it can improve resistance towardshelp to adapt to stress and in this way can help preserve energy levels.
Apart from being protective againstadapting to stress, astragalus, a perennial plant native to China, is used to protect and support the immune system, according to Mount Sinai Hospital. It has been used in tTraditional Chinese mMedicine for thousands of years.
Panax ginseng
A herb that grows in northeastern China and Korea, the word panax comes from the Greek words for all-healing (‘pan’ for all and ‘axos’ for cure). The root of the plant has been used for health purposes in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, Panax ginseng contains compounds understood to help increase resistance againstadapt to environmental stress, to improve support physical stamina, concentration, and memory.
Tulsi or Holy Basil
Studies have shown how this plant can have an overall stress-buffering effect.
It is an aromatic shrub in the basil family that is thought to have originated in north central India and now grows native throughout the eastern world tropics. Within Ayurveda, tTulsi is known as “The Incomparable One,” for its medicinal and spiritual properties.
Studies have also reported that tTulsi significantly improves exhaustion symptoms.
Green tea
Green tea comes from the plant Camellia sinensis. As green tea contains some caffeine, though less than coffee, it can increase support energy and mental focus. It also contains L-theanine, an amino acid shown to promote a state of calm awareness. Therefore, green tea can help provide alertness without the “jitters” you often get from coffee.
Guarana is an extract of seeds of the plant Paullinia cupana which is indigenous to the Amazon Basin. The plant seeds contain a higher amount of caffeine than coffee.
In traditional medicine, guarana has been used as a stimulant and tonic to treat help with fatigue and increase wakefulness. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, while guarana may have a mild effect on energy levels, these are generally temporary and have minimal lasting clinical effects. Due to its caffeine content, in high doses, guarana can cause jitteriness, agitation and dehydration.
Tips for incorporating herbs
Along with a healthy diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep, incorporating herbs into a daily routine may provide extra support to our energy levels to handle our modern, busy lives.
1. Tea
: Drinking a cup of tea can be a great opportunity to take a break for some calm and restoration while taking in the benefits of herbal tea.
2. Powdered Herbs
: Some herbs come in powder form so you can add them to cereals, yoghurts or smoothies.
3. Adaptogens
: According to the Cleveland Clinic, studies show that adaptogens work best for short periods (less than six months) as the body could build a resistance to them and their benefits making them ineffective over time.
4. Why should you take herbs?
: Consider when and why you want to take the herbs. For example, if you are about to go to bed, it wouldn’t be a good idea to take such herbs as they may give you too much energy and keep you from sleeping.
5. Expert Consultation
: Before you start taking adaptogen supplements, check the label for dosage and consult a GP before taking any to ensure they won’t interfere with medications or health conditions you may have.