How to workout from home
More and more of us are working from home and, as well as making things such as meetings, catch-ups with colleagues and coffee breaks look a little different, your exercise habits might also have been thrown out of whack if you’re spending more time at your place.
You might even notice that
your daily step count is taking a hit, especially if you previously relied on walking to and from public transport on work days to maintain it.
Don’t think that matters too much? Think again. Research shows that key measures of good health can decline significantly in as little as two weeks when you drastically slash how many steps you take each day.
Plus, staying active can support immune system health help keep stress levels in check and might even improve the quality of your sleep.
Here are 5 ways to stay active in your at-home workplace.
1. Start the day with some yoga
One of the best perks of working at home? Activewear, all-day long. Put it to good use during the time you’d normally spend commuting by starting the day with a pre-work yoga session in your living room. In fact, there are even
yoga poses that you can do at your desk.
That’s good news – not only does research show that yoga delivers genuine fitness and heart-health benefits, you’ll be in a better mood to start your work day.
Not too familiar with yoga? No problem. Check out this
beginner’s guide.
2. Stand up every 30 minutes
Regardless of how much exercise you squeeze into your day, research suggests that staying seated for no more than 30 minutes at a time will help you avoid the impact
long stretches of sitting can have on your health.
Set a 30-minute timer or alarm on your phone and whenever it goes off, jump out of your chair and do a few stretches and laps of your house.