Message from the event organisers: last minute race day tips for the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival
Last minute race day tips for the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival
1. Remember this is a FUN RUN, if you feel dizzy, dehydrated or unwell during the event, stop and ask First Aid or a volunteer for help.
2. Saturday is the last day to collect your event kit at ASICS Event Expo, Lower Town Hall, cnr George and Druitt Streets. Expo closes at 4pm today!
3. Plan your journey to #BSRF2012 start by public transport, visit 131500.com.au or call 131 500 Show your race bib for free public transport.
4. Make sure you get to Milsons Point, Bradfield Park tomorrow an hour before your event.
5. Road closures in Nth Syd, Syd Hbr Bridge, CBD, East Subs will be in place this weekend for #BSRF2012- check livetraffic.com.
For more info: http://www.sydneyrunningfestival.com.au/