1. Keep a food diary
food diary can help you to identify opportunities to improve your current diet. Try writing down what you eat for a week to get a realistic picture of your daily food intake - then switch out some of the key offenders in the following week.
2. Do 10-20 minutes of walking every day
Whether you’re walking around the block, taking a social stroll with friends and family or investigating nearby parks, walking is the perfect way to move more.
3. Stick an affirmation on your fridge every day
Use Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration. Find positive messages that resonate with you to reinforce healthy habits and happy thoughts. These can also help you to deal with stressful situations on a daily basis.
4. Make healthy dishes healthier
Incorporate more essential healthy foods into your daily diet by adapting healthy recipes. For example, in salads try using less or no dressing, swapping crumbed chicken for grilled chicken.
5. Join a fitness class
Find a gym class or fitness class to join - and commit to it for a full term. An outdoor boot camp can be a great morning wake-up call. You might like to try CrossFit - a popular strength and conditioning program - or yoga/pilates for a gentler option.
Watch this first!
6. Meditate for 10 minutes every day
Practice meditation for 10 minutes each day. Make it a formal practice and set aside a specific time - whether that’s mornings or evenings. If you meditate at the same time, every day, it will be simple to make it a long term part of your daily routine.
7. Eat from a range of food groups
Evidence supports a range of healthy foods for optimum health and wellbeing. Try the Mediterranean Diet, eat plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables - but be careful not to make extreme choices. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, too.
8. Advance your workouts with interval training
Interval training involves a series of short bursts of intense “give it everything” effort followed by a recovery period that is mixed into your normal exercise routine. Try your interval training via running, or exercise equipment.
9. Commit to a long-term mindset plan
Book yourself in to a health and wellness retreat, chat to a life coach or take a regular meditation class. Formulate an achievable plan of how you’re going to incorporate health and wellness into your life.
Be more mindful
How will you Be a Well Being? Tell us in the comments below which of our 9 easy steps you will commit to, today!